domingo, 18 de outubro de 2015

Bolsa de pesquisa no Safra Center for Ethics (Harvard)

Estão abertas as inscrições para as bolsas de pesquisa 2016-2017 no Edmund Safra Center for Ethics da Universidade de Harvard. O centro de pesquisa, ligado a Kennedy School,  é dedicado ao fomento de pesquisas ligadas às áreas de ética e filosofia política, com foco em questões públicas contemporâneas.  O tema de pesquisa privilegiado nesta edição será Diversidade, Justiça e Democracia. Normalmente são oferecidas duas modalidades de bolsas para alunos que não sejam de Harvard: fellows-in-residence (para pós-doutores ou recém-professores) e graduate fellowships (para doutorados em andamento). Mais informações sobre os critérios de elegibilidade e os prazos de envio de propostas podem ser encontradas nos links abaixo: 

- Fellows-in-residence

The Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University invites applications for the Fellows-in-Residence program under the direction of Professor Danielle Allen. The program brings together a small group of Fellows to work closely over the course of the year on pressing issues in ethics. The majority of Fellows will be selected in relation to an annual theme, but in each year some “open” slots will be reserved for applicants working on any issue in ethics. In each year, the goal will be to craft a cohort in which “thematic” fellows and “open” fellows will all find valuable intellectual partnerships to support and spur their work. For the 2016-17 academic year, the theme at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics will again be Diversity, Justice, and Democracy. The purpose of this theme is to explore how to achieve fair and just forms of democratic life in conditions of significant demographic diversity.
More than 200 years into the modern experiment with democratic forms of rule, democratic aspirations continue to founder on the rocks of racial and ethnic hierarchies, and other patterns of domination constructed on social categorizations of difference. In the case of the U.S., African American disadvantage continues to be entrenched, fifty years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 transformed the legal landscape; Latino disadvantage has also emerged as a pressing problem as has a low level of political engagement among Asian Americans. In Europe, we are witnessing the resurgence of the far-right, in response to dramatic demographic diversification, occurring simultaneously with economic instability. Civil war related to ethnic violence has devastated many African countries in recent years. India has the world’s largest affirmative action program and yet to cross caste and religious lines in marriage is to open oneself and one’s family to abuse and often murder by the locally dominant. These are just a small set of examples of the hard problems that currently define the political and ethical landscape of democracy in contexts of diversity.
The question of how to achieve fair and just forms of democratic life in conditions of significant demographic diversity must be tackled afresh, from the ground up. Importantly, pursuing answers to this question requires uniting normative and positive, or ethical and empirical, forms of expertise, through multi-disciplinary partnership. The ethics of diversity also intersect with important work in all of the professional schools. Conversations around this theme that unite faculty in the arts and sciences with faculty in the professional schools would be productive. And, of course, issues pertaining to the ethics of diversity constantly generate tensions for university campuses themselves. The theme should provide a context for advancing a research-based understanding of how college campuses too can do better at the ethics of diversity.
Eligibility: A broad range of researchers is invited to submit proposals to become residential Fellows. Tenured and untenured faculty are invited to participate. Postdoctoral applications are encouraged, as well as proposals from researchers in industry, government, or NGOs seeking sabbatical time to pursue research directly relevant to ethical issues. Applicants from any discipline or professional field will be considered. Each applicant should propose an individual research and/or writing project. Applicants must have a PhD, professional degree, or a minimum of 5 years of equivalent professional experience. The Fellowships are open to all regardless of citizenship.
Deadline: The deadline date for receipt of applications for projects beginning September 2016 is December 1, 2015.
Questions? Email us at

To ensure that progress in teaching and research in ethics will continue into the future, the Center trains younger scholars who are prepared to dedicate their careers to the study of practical ethics in a wide variety of subjects. The Graduate Fellowships in Ethics were established in 1990 with the support of the American Express Foundation, and subsequent gifts from Mrs. Lily Safra and Mr. Eugene P. Beard. This early expansion of the Center's mission provided a unique opportunity for graduate students writing dissertations or engaged in major research on topics in practical ethics. More than one hundred Graduate Fellowships have been awarded to Harvard-enrolled graduate and professional students.
In 2010, a generous gift from Mrs. Lily Safra endowed the Edmond J. Safra Graduate Fellowships in perpetuity, ensuring that the Center's role in training younger scholars and developing future leaders in ethics will continue as long as Harvard enduresThe Edmond J. Safra Graduate Fellowship program is directed by Professor Eric Beerbohm.

Emily Bromley, Graduate Fellowships Coordinator

The application deadline for Graduate Fellowships beginning in September 2016 is November 16, 2015.
 Decisions will be sent by February 15, 2016.

Questions may be directed to