sexta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2015

Summer School: "The Ethics of Banking"

O Grupo de Teoria Política da Universidade do Minho convida a todos a se inscreverem na segunda edição de sua escola de verão dedicada à intersecção entre filosofia política e questões de política pública a ser realizada entre os dias 20 e 23 de julho. O tema deste ano será a ética dos mercados financeiros e será ministrado pelo filósofo e professor de ética financeira Boudewijn de Bruin (Groningen). As inscrições para o curso e para a apresentação de trabalhos durante o evento serão aceitas até 01/04. 

By Boudewijn de Bruin, Professor of Financial Ethics at the University of Groningen

When: 20-23 July 2015

Where: University of Minho, Braga (Portugal)

Course Description: In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in issues at the intersection of political philosophy and public policy. In particular, attention has increasingly turned to the question of what kind of institutions and policies would be needed in order to create a significantly more just society. This summer school will be devoted to the ethics of banking.

The first topic will be devoted to recent financial history, ethical issues that have arisen, problems of moral hazard, contagion effects, etc. This is basically centered round the question of what the function of finance is in society, or what it should be.

A second topic will focus on various players in the industry and their respective ethical issues: banks, central banks, insurance companies, etc. We'll look at things such as insider trading, and debate the (im)morality of it, and/or such practices as frontrunning, churning, etc.

Still another topic will be devoted to Professor Boudewijn de Bruin’s own research on epistemic virtues, debating the claim that ethics in finance ought to be sensitive to competence issues rather than (just) on greed or bonuses. We'll look into corporate epistemic virtues, rotation policies, organizational opposition, credit rating agencies and the way they outsource epistemic responsibility.

A final topic on ethics management tools will be included as well, focusing on recent initiatives surrounding the bankers' oath in the Netherlands, etc.

Professor de Bruin’s latest book Ethics and the Global Financial Crisis: Why Incompetence is Worse than Greed will come out very soon and may figure as a good background/textbook for the summer school. 


If you would like to participate, please send a short letter of motivation and CV by e-mail to Roberto Merrill ( andPedro Teixeira (pedro.teixeira@fu-berlin.deby 1 April 2014. If you also wish to give a talk during the School, please send us an abstract between 300 and 500 words.

Fee: 70 euros

This event is organized by the Political Theory Group of CEHUM, University of Minho (Braga).

Contacts: Roberto Merrill ( or Pedro Teixeira (