quinta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2013

Reunião da ASAP em São Paulo

Nos dias 5 e 6 de dezembro a ASAP (Academics Stand Against Poverty) organiza a conferência de lançamento de sua filial brasileira. Para quem não a conhece, a associação reúne acadêmicos e ativistas do mundo todo na tentativa de formular respostas práticas para a erradicação da pobreza e da desigualdade global. O evento pretende discutir como podemos atingir, no país, os resultados estabelecidos pela Metas do Milênio da ONU contra a fome e a miséria (no caso, a meta estipula que devemos reduzir pela metade a proporção da população que vive com até um dólar por dia até 2015). Entre os palestrantes, Thomas Pogge (Yale), fundador e diretor da ASAP, e Dalmo Dallari (USP). O programa e o local das palestras pode ser consultado aqui.

ASAP Brazil Launch Conference

Brazilian academics are building a new chapter of ASAP, which they will launch with a conference in São Paulo on December 5 and 6, 2013.
The conference, titled Ideas to Overcome Extreme Poverty and Hunger, aims to analyze the structural causes of world poverty from an interdisciplinary perspective in order to shore up normative critiques about these conditions, as well as come up with proposals and discuss viable and systemic reforms to support the reduction of world poverty.
A major objective of the conference is to stimulate academic research on different approaches to fighting poverty, to disseminate research findings, and to foster discussion on how to achieve the first Millennium Development Goal in Brazil.
The event will take place at the auditorium of the Federal Attorney’s Regional Office, Brigadeiro Luiz Antonio Avenue n. 2020, on December 5 and 6 from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm. Each day will feature five panels on different topics and a keynote lecture. Each panel will open with a “social platform”, in which a development practitioner will speak for 5-10 minutes about a successful story or enterprise connected to the panel theme and the goals of ASAP Brazil.
This event is co-organized by ASAP Brazil, the Brazilian Ministry of Public Affairs, the Federal Attorney’s Office for the Rights of the Citizen, and Rapporteurs for the Fight Against Poverty.
To read the conference program, in both English and Portuguese, click here.